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Breastfeeding Struggles- My breastfeeding struggles as a new mom


I wasn’t completely in the dark but things were awfully grey for awhile. But I can see it now…that light…that light at the end of the tunnel that everyone talks about. It took me 9 weeks to see it but it’s there dammit. I was in the grey when I wrote my last post.

It’s like a heavy weight has been lifted off of me. Every woman’s experience with breastfeeding is different. Looking back I can’t exactly say my experience has been awful…after all, my baby latched right away and is healthy so no problems there and I’m lucky. I think that’s what kept me out of the complete dark, well that and the fact that I knew my milk was best for Emersyn and also the pressure I felt from my husband and our mothers who breastfed. BUT my experience hasn’t been great either as I’ve had struggles with a lot of pain and cracked/sore nipples that just wouldn’t go away. I would tell the lactation consultant my issues of pain coming around my side of my breasts and the fact that I’ve tried EVERYTHING to get my nipples to heal but I was met with no real solution. And Emersyn has a great latch. So I mustered through it thinking it would always be like that the whole duration that I chose to breastfeed. I would dread almost every time I had to feed my baby and I was taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen on a daily basis to deal with the pain. So no, breastfeeding hasn’t been the most wonderful thing in the world. I thought about giving up HUNDREDS of times.

But all of a sudden, and I’m not sure why… but maybe it was God shedding some light for me to tell me “you’ve done a great job so far, let me make this easier for you”, it got better. It took just over 2 months…but it finally got better! I didn’t do anything different. I think the solution was just time…and lots of patience. Now I am healed, no more pain, and I actually enjoy feeding Em! So when people say just give it time, there will be light at the end of the tunnel..it has turned out to be true for me. I just didn’t think it would take that long.

Argh my last 2 posts have been about breastfeeding…sorry…well not sorry because that is a big part of my life right now! And I’m really happy that all is finally great with it and I can enjoy it! And if anything I want other moms to know what I’ve gone thru, especially if you are feeling dark about the whole situation like I was ….I want to just say hang in there, it DOES get better!! There WILL be light!




My Sweet Emmy

2 responses to “Breastfeeding Struggles- My breastfeeding struggles as a new mom”

  1. Tracy Avatar

    Isn’t it crazy, and it just keeps getting easier. So many people told me to roughen my nipples up with a toothbrush weeks prior to delivery. Ummmm no thanks. Then one friend, only one, gave me the best advice. She said you need to keep them softened and moisturized. I put lanolin on after every feed and it worked. If I missed doing it, I would pay for it later. Once you hit 5-6 months and you start solids, it gets even easier. My only hold back is that without pumping, I feel like I’m the only caregiver, and that he’s tied to me. I always said at least til 6 months, now I’m working towards 1 yr. I bet now I will just let him self wean. I used to think it was strange when people went past a year, but once your a breastfeeding mother, it clicks as to why. I will never judge again.

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      That’s awesome that you are working towards a year! I hope to do the same! At first when I was pretty sore I thought it would be great to last for at least 3 months and go from there. Now I’m almost there and new goal is 6 months! Small goals at a time I say. They are pretty tied to us for feeding. I try to pump once a day so Jake can get up with her once usually around 4-5am and feed her but as of late she is sleeping longer and/or not wanting that feeding so I’m still going to try and pump every once in awhile and start storing it for when we have a babysitter or for emergency etc.

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