
Big Baby- 36 Weeks and Counting

I was watching the Kardashians as usual on a Sunday night and I admit I totally snickered when Kim went to the doctor and they said she was in the 94% range as far as how big her baby was. I think I actually said “holy crap” out loud. The next day I make my trip to my doctor to get an ultrasound and it turns out the joke is on me….

I turned to my husband, “did she say 7lbs and 14oz??” Yep she sure did. I am measuring in the 93rd% range. Just to be clear here, 50% is average. I know, I know all you moms out there probably think that’s no big deal and that it’s not totally accurate and I get that. The tech did say they could be off give or take 20% which is not quite a pound and a half and that she was probably on the high side (let’s freakin hope so). But I admit I was a little shocked that Lil Bear could already almost weigh in at 8lbs and I have 4 weeks left to go. Suddenly that article that popped up on Pinterest titled “How to Save Your Vagina During Pregnancy” might come in handy LOL

Now in all seriousness, it was great to be able to see Lil Bear again and know that she is doing good. Her head is all the way down and I finally figured out that it is her knee that keeps jabbing me in the upper ribs. She is so cramped in there that it was hard to take great 3D pics so I’m not posting any. Got a great one of her nose those and it still looks like Jake’s. My blood pressure is still fine, her heartbeat is great and everything is looking good, except my cervix. It is closed…which means i’m not ready at all. So I have almost an 8lb baby and a closed cervix…..

I saw the nurse practitioner but from here on out I see my regular doctor. They said they may want to do another ultrasound in the next 2 weeks and keep monitoring how big she is and of course checking my cervix each week. In the meantime, I was given some advice about how to speed things along and soften my cervix. But she said for a first time mom a closed cervix at this point is totally normal and I do still have 4 weeks left. So we will see! They said they are much more worried about a baby who isn’t gaining weight than one that is nice and healthy so that makes me feel a lot better. I was a 9lbs and 1oz baby after all, so I shouldn’t be so surprised. You know what gets me though is that i’m ALREADY worried about her getting so big and the time flying by and she isn’t even here! Some days I want the time to speed up and some to slow down.

At this point since she’s considered full term and has enough weight I wouldn’t mind going a bit early. These last few weeks are going to drag as I’m getting more uncomfortable and insomnia is setting in. I’m finding the littlest things make me exhausted I couldn’t even get on my elliptical yesterday for 2 mins! Today I’m going to go to the gym first thing after my breakfast settles before I get too tired from anything else I have going on today and see if that makes a difference, which I believe it will. My doctor said absolutely I can still be exercising and that it will be great for delivery…you know for all you questioning that. I know how to listen to my body. Trust me I hopped off that elliptical yesterday because I knew I couldn’t handle it and let my body rest.

So today’s agenda: gym, grocery store, cooking/baking, lining drawers in Lil Bear’s nursery…  I will be making these no bake treats that have oats and peanut butter that are a great healthy snack, I will post the recipe later! And tonight’s dinner is Skinny Orange Chicken either over brown rice or quinoa. I will let you know how that turns out too!

This is my last week of taking any clients at the gym. I am lucky enough to be able to take off early and have time at home before Lil Bear comes. I’m going to embrace every moment of it and enjoy nesting and relaxing when I can. I thank my husband for allowing me to be able to do this, I really am lucky.

Got any advice or comments about the last month of pregnancy?? I’d love to hear!

35 weeks (2)

My Sweet Emmy

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