
33 Weeks Pregnancy Update

33 weeks! Where has the time gone? I can’t believe it’s almost time for Lil Bear to arrive in this world, the thought is so exciting but a little scary at the same time! I just went in for my doctor’s appointment to see how things were going and everything is going great! Right now I have been going every 2 weeks and have 1 more visit in 2 more weeks until I change to weekly visits. (s&%$t is getting real!) Her heartbeat was around 148 and belly is measuring 35 weeks which doctor says doesn’t mean much at this point (other than I’m getting huge ha). I appreciate everyone’s calls or texts that ask me how am I doing and feeling! Thought I would throw in a fun quiz from all the question I get!

How far along? 33 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain: I stopped looking at the doctor’s office and don’t weigh myself anymore, I decided it wasn’t worth my stressing over as long as I was making a lot of healthy choices and staying somewhat active

Maternity Clothes? I’ve been wearing both regular and maternity stuff. I can still wear all my fitness pants/leggings under my belly! Target long and lean tank tops are the best! I definitely have to wear maternity jeans and there are a few pairs of boots/shoes that I can’t fit my feet into anymore…

Stretch marks? No…not yet….thank God….crossing my fingers

Sleep: Getting lots of sleep at night for the most part! I don’t even wake up because I have to pee!

Movement: She moves around mostly at night around the 8-10pm window and I love it!

Food Cravings: nothing weird, I love food and desserts normally so I have been indulging more but nothing out of the ordinary. I’ve had lots of honey crisp apples with peanut butter, vanilla greek yogurt with granola, Quarter Pounders from McDonalds, and recently banana splits from DQ (hey trying to keep it balanced)

Labor Signs: nothing yet, I haven’t felt any contractions or braxton hicks at all

Belly button in or out? starting to pop out (so weird)

Mood: I haven’t felt mood swings or very emotional until this 3rd trimester! Now I’ve been all over the place! (poor Jake)

Acid reflux: I have finally gotten this under control to sleep through the night!!!! It’s all about my nutrition and timing! FINALLY!!! But pizza…..good grief I have to have a conversation with myself…

“Is this going to be worth it?” The answer is if it is from Pizza Shoppe or Old Chicago during the DAY yes it’s worth it…. you guys KNOW how much I love pizza so this is a hard one for me!

Nursey: It’s still in the works! I CAN’T WAIT to share with you all a whole post just dedicated to her nursery once it’s finished!

Selfie @ Hitch Fit


Morning coffee with Lil Bear
She’s getting big!
Olive Garden lunch date with the girls
Go Chiefs! Had to borrow Jake’s shirt for this one!
My Sweet Emmy

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