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How to Grocery Shop Like a Fitness Pro

grocery shop like a fitness pro

So you want to start eating healthier, but you hate the grocery store…Or maybe you love grocery shopping but don’t know where to start. There are so many choices out there, how do you know what things to buy to start living a healthier lifestyle? I can tell you how to stop being overwhelmed & how to start grocery shopping like a fitness pro.

  • MAKE A LIST: First thing’s first, you gotta have a plan. Going to the grocery store without a list is asking for failure & unwanted items that you didn’t plan for. Go thru your fridge & pantry to see what items you have or need. Scour Pinterest or online for recipes that might interest you. You can follow my Healthy Food Recipes board on Pinterest. I also have several boards dedicated to fitness tips, snacks, etc that you can find there. Seriously there are a million healthy recipes right at your fingertips online.
  • TIMING IS EVERYTHING: If you are tired at night, try going to the store first thing in the morning on the weekend. Dread going with your kiddos? Try to find a time your hubby is home or with grandparents or daycare etc. It’s easier to concentrate without your little ones trying to jump out of the cart, pull stuff off shelves or having meltdowns in the aisle (can you tell I’m a mom?) Also…. do not, I repeat…do not go grocery shopping when you are hungry! (HOW did that Snickers get into my cart??… you know what I’m talking about) There are some stores that even offer online shopping or delivery! Check out How to Grocery Shop Like a Fit MOM for all things quick & affordable!
  • SHOP THE PERIMETER: As a general rule, the healthiest foods are on the outskirts. Think fruits & veggies, lean meats, eggs, almond milk, yogurt, nuts, etc. The boxed & processed foods are the ones you find in the middle of the aisles.
  • CHOOSE WHOLE FOODS: This goes along with the last….whole foods are generally found on the perimeter. The less processed the better. So foods that are in their whole form & fresh are the best. These include items such as: potatoes, berries, zucchini, peppers, spinach, grapefruit ETC. Recipes that incorporate a variety of whole foods are excellent.
  • CHOOSE LEAN MEATS: You don’t just have to eat chicken breasts to eat healthy! There are a variety of choices! When choosing things such as ground turkey or beef look at the fat content. Choose at least 93% lean or higher. 99% is the best, but not always available.  Salmon & tuna are excellent protein choices as well.
  • READ FOOD LABELS: Learn how to read a nutrition label properly. Here’s a link on how to start. Fitness pros usually look at the protein, carbohydrate, fat, sugar & sodium content on a nutrition label as well as the main ingredients in order to chose foods for their goals.
  • KEEP IT SIMPLE: Recipes are great, but when you are just starting out it can get confusing keeping track of all the ingredients in a recipe. I always suggest keeping it simple at first. Items at the grocery store I choose typically fall under these categories: protein, fat, starchy carbohydrates, dairy, fruits & vegetables. Then I will mix & max those items for a meal. For example: oats mixed with almond milk & berries, or salmon with grilled asparagus & potato. Once you get the hang of things then you can branch out into more complex recipes.
  • BUY IN BULK: Fitness pros know that the secret to success if food prep. That often means buying things to cook in large amounts to prepare for the week such as brown rice, oats, sweet potatoes, etc. Everyone is busy so who has time to cook something entirely different for every meal every day of the week?? (If you do then more power to ya) Buying & cooking in bulk will save you time & set you up for success.  I will post another blog just on food prepping in the near future!

These are some of my main rules for grocery shopping like a fitness pro! Don’t know WHAT to eat or HOW MUCH to eat? I’ve put together a beginner’s guide just for you called JumpStart Nutrition. Here you will find a Lesley Leanne approved food list, a portion guide, & other helpful guidelines to help jumpstart your healthy lifestyle!

Did you know that daily healthy habits lead to a healthy lifestyle? Get your FREE guide to healthy habits for weight loss HERE.

As a mom who has lost 65 lbs post baby & a certified personal trainer, I love to help other women through my online coaching or blog.  By joining my mailing list I promise never to spam you, but only provide you with the latest tips from Lesley Leanne! I hope you will share your journey & connect with me!

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My Sweet Emmy

5 responses to “How to Grocery Shop Like a Fitness Pro”

  1. […] into a healthy lifestyle can be a little overwhelming. If you’ve missed Series 1 on How to Grocery Shop Like a Fitness Pro, go check that out for all your starter tips including what types of food are best to start your […]

  2. […] Live by the 80/20 rule.  Just like the alcohol the goodies are galore during holidays. Save the tasty treats for parties, get togethers, a snack here, a dinner there. If you are making healthy choices in your nutrition 80% of the time then those occasions won’t expand your waistline. It’s all about balance during the holidays to keep the fluff at bay. I’ve gathered all sorts of healthy recipes for you here. First thing’s first, you need to learn how to grocery shop like a fitness pro!  […]

  3. […] Don’t miss my tips on How to Grocery Shop Like A Fitness Pro! […]

  4. […] Poor nutrition. Exercising but not eating well? The saying is true: You can’t out exercise a bad diet. What you put into your body counts. You are what you eat! Don’t know where to start? I created a beginner’s guide to JumpStart Nutrition just for YOU or check out my post on Grocery Shopping Like a Fitness Pro. […]

  5. […] to start, don’t worry girl…read all about How to Grocery Show Like a Fit Mom or even a Fitness Pro! Pick a day or 2 of the week & prep some […]

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