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5 Ways to Stay On Track When Life Happens

Life happens. Nobody is perfect. There’s always going to be something unexpected. But you can stay on track.

BUT if you’ve got goals or something you are trying to accomplish, here are 5 things that you can do to stay on track when life happens. I’ve used these to obtain many of my fitness goals, but these could be applied to any goal in general:

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  1. GOALS -1st & foremost you gotta have clear goals. Break those goals down into 2 categories: small & big. Only making a big goal can often time seem impossible & overwhelming. Small goals are attainable goals that you make daily/weekly. These goals keep you on track & make you feel like you are accomplishing things as you cross them off the list. Meeting those smaller goals will help keep you on track for that big picture goal. For example: Small goals-” I want to drink x amount of water per day and workout x amount of times per week.” Big Goal-” I want to lose x amount of weight in a month.” SMALL GOALS LEAD TO BIGGER GOALS=SUCCESS
  2. PREPARATION– I can’t stress this enough, preparation is key! One of THE biggest failures of healthy eating is not having anything readily available to you. If you aren’t prepared that usually means bad choices. Plan out your menu for the week. I keep a menu like this in my kitchen so my family can see it and know what to expect for dinner & it helps me plan out meal prep. Pick a day or 2 out of the week where you can spend some time preparing and packaging some of your meals. I love these containers. They are perfect for keeping everything organized. Just store in the fridge & grab & go! Wash & cut up your fruit & veggies for the week. Make a big pot of rice or quinoa or whatever it is that you can cook in bulk to make things easier for you. Set your gym clothes out the night before. Always be thinking ahead to the next day so you never have a moment where you unprepared which leads to bad decisions that aren’t part of meeting your goals.
  3. ORGANIZATION– I don’t know about you but when I wake up in the morning to a clean bedroom or get in my clean car in the morning, it just sets a better tone for the day! Clean out your fridge for food prep day. Organize your gym bag. Clean all those empty water bottles & shaker cups out of your car! (Yes, I know you do it too!) Clean out your lunch box at night so it’s good to go for the next day. These are my 2 favorite food storage bags. I have this one but this one is on my wish list!  I love opening up my dresser drawer to a nice array of neatly rolled and organized gym pants…yes rolled…a big tip for you, it saves space & you can see each pair, try it, you’re welcome!
  4. GET BACK ON THE WAGON- So you had a good “cheat” meal or skipped your workout. That’s okay! We are human after all & we should be allowed to indulge now & then or even take a little rest. The KEY to being able to have these tasty treats is to get back on track immediately afterwards. Don’t let 1 meal turn into 2, or let missing 1 workout turn into 2. Doing so will quickly have a snowball effect & this can really sabotage any goals you have made. I’ve worked with many clients in the past and this is 1 of the biggest problems affecting their results, ESPECIALLY over the weekend. If you know that Saturday night you will be going out for dinner with friends & this means something off your plan, then you better make sure that Sunday morning you are right back to eating healthy & getting your workout in. Plan for these occasions & set yourself up for success, not failure.
  5. DON’T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF! Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I’ve had tons of clients hit their goals & not a single one of them were perfect. That’s called being human! There will always be the unexpected. You will get sick, you will forget your lunch, your child won’t take a nap or gets sick so you have to miss a workout, you forgot your gym clothes, you were emotional & ate ice cream, your car broke down……the list could go on & on. Stuff happens to everyone! That is called life. And it’s okay, I promise. Don’t beat yourself up or give up on your goals. It’s just a bump in the road.

Now you have 5 great ways to stay on track. And when life happens, you can say it’s okay, you can do this!

My Sweet Emmy

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