Worry, fear, racing thoughts, sleepless nights, poor concentration, restlessness… anxiety can affect people in different ways. Everyone experiences a certain amount of anxiety in their lives but when it starts to interfere with daily living, then that’s when it can become a problem.
Mental health disorders (and that is what anxiety disorder is) is something that isn’t talked about enough in my opinion. Yet it’s ALL around us. Did you know (according to World Health Organization) that 1 in 4 people in the world will be affected by a mental or neurological disorder in their lives? The US has the highest rate and anxiety and depression rank the highest and are under-treated. 1 IN 4!!! Someone you know (or even you) has a mental health disorder (whether you or they realize it or not). Some people have high-functioning anxiety or depression and to the outside person this looks completely normal and you may never know someone is experiencing an issue.
Many people simply do not know they have an issue or understand that there is a problem. Post partum depression is getting more widely talked about but why isn’t post partum anxiety? Thanks to social media and a lot of bloggers who are opening up, moms are starting to not feel so alone or so ashamed of what they are going thru. I can only hope this continues on a wider spectrum.
Why is mental health so under-treated and not talked about enough? There are so many factors but a big factor is the negative stigma that comes from it. Many people won’t go get help because they are simply embarrassed or unwilling to admit they have a problem because of the negativity associated with it.
It took opening up to a few people who are close to me who helped me feel ok with what I was feeling and maybe that I should ask for some help. Like I said, anxiety affects everyone differently but if I share my story maybe someone else can relate. My constant racing thoughts and restlessness were keeping me up at night and I had a really hard time concentrating or getting any task completely done. I was irritable, especially with the kids. I had constant worry about Bennett when I had to leave him. I had to take a break from taking personal training clients because I couldn’t shake the anxiety when I was away from home and my family. It was a constant overwhelming feeling.
Whether or not you choose to see a doctor or go that route there are a lot of things you can do to help. Some of these things have helped and continue to help me. I know if I start getting those feelings again that I need to go back and review these things:
- Exercise : This is obviously something I’ve been doing a long time which is actually probably a big reason I was able to deal with issues a bit longer that I did!
- Drink less caffeine: Caffeine is known the make anxiety worse! I had no idea as I was gulping down cup after cup in the morning
- Say No: Simply put, tell people no. Say no to things that you don’t want to do or that make you uncomfortable. You don’t have to please everyone. Be a little selfish and do what is right for you.
- Surround yourself with people who support you: say goodbye or distance yourself from anyone in your life who adds negativity or stress. They aren’t helping you
- Take a social media break: I cut back on my social media. I unfollowed people who didn’t make me feel good. I stopped worrying about posting so many times a day at a certain time yada yada.
- Start a journal or read more: Instead of so much social media I started reading a book at night or writing down my thoughts in a journal instead.
- You Time: Whether it’s waking up a bit earlier than the kids or taking a hot bath at night when they go to bed or whatever that looks like for you. Take some time for yourself, you deserve it mama!
How can you help someone else? Just ask them, “how can I help?” Be understanding if they seem distant or checked out sometimes. I’ve missed some get togethers or invites because I just couldn’t handle it that day and I only hope my friends are understanding. Don’t take it personal if they don’t answer the phone or text you back right away. Just check in on us every once in awhile! And the worse thing you can do is to say “Just deal with it, everyone has anxiety.” Downplaying someone else’s anxiety or feelings is so degrading. Be supportive even if you don’t personally understand it.
So yeah mamas, I know this is a long post but I felt the need to get it out there. I haven’t posted since January. I’m sorry I took a break but I needed it. So often I’m trying to find my balance between being a stay at home mom, a personal trainer who is trying to find the right time to come back, an online coach and blogger, a wife, a crafter trying to start my own business, and a student working on my nutrition degree…. Sometimes something has to give. Sometimes we try to do too much and being a mom itself is hard enough am I right?
Hopefully these tips will help you if you are experiencing any type of anxiety. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone including me. You aren’t alone mama!

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