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How to Grocery Shop Like A Fit Mom

Starting a healthy lifestyle and learning how to shop and eat healthy like a fit mom. Getting post baby body back

Being a mom is hard, but grocery shopping doesn’t have to be! Moms desire quick & easy options! We are far too busy being super moms to make a huge healthy meal from scratch. (how DID they do it back in the day?!) I’m going to give you tips on how to grocery shop like a fit mom.

Hey mamas!

Like many others, you might be on the start of a journey to a healthier you. Whether you just had a baby or your babies aren’t “babies” anymore, being a mom has been an important role. A role that has most likely required most of your attention to all those mommy things like changing diapers, cooking dinner, laundry, paying attention to your husband, carting your kids to soccer games, chugging coffee to keep up with said children (including husband). But it’s time to take care of YOU! If you are trying to get your groove back & work on that rockin post baby body, we’ve gotta start somewhere! I suggest starting at the grocery store… yes that’s right, not just at the gym but we’re talking about your nutrition! Read all about how I got my post baby body back HERE.

I almost titled this “How to Grocery Shop Like a Busy Fit Mom”, then I had a good laugh because is there such a thing as a mom who ISN’T busy? (If you are saying yes to that….first I’m going to give you an eyeroll then ask you to please tell me your secrets!

Did you know that healthy habits lead to success? Get you FREE guide to healthy habits for weight loss HERE! 

Jumping into a healthy lifestyle can be a little overwhelming. If you’ve missed Series 1 on How to Grocery Shop Like a Fitness Pro, go check that out for all your starter tips including what types of food are best to start your healthy lifestyle or you can check out my Beginner’s Guide to JumpStart Nutrition. Now it’s time to shop like a Fit MOM.

Do you find yourself saying “I don’t have time to cook or eat healthy.” or “I was in a hurry so I just grabbed a candy bar or (gasp!) skipped lunch.”? I thought so…so keep reading.

QUICK & EASY OPTIONS ARE KEY! There are many quick & easy options that are healthy choices. Sorry mamas but your excuses aren’t valid anymore….you’re welcome. 🙂

Frozen Fruits & Veggies: Fresh is great but it’s important to know you have so many more options! Go to the freezer section & check out all the frozen fruits & veggies galore! No washing, no cutting, no rotting, no time…no problem! Steamable veggie bags are a lifesaver! The biggest tip I will give you on your veggies is to avoid the bags that have added sauces to them. I KNOW broccoli & cheese sauce goes great together…but we are trying to be healthy here…so put down the cheese sauce girl. Frozen fruits can be added to shakes, oats, yogurt or thawed thru the week to just eat for a snack.

Canned Fruits & Veggies: You want to know a secret? I don’t eat fresh veggies often. They will rot in my fridge. I’m a busy mom. I like to open up cans & like I mentioned…steamable bags…& somehow I’ve managed to stay fit…crazy I know. ;P  The biggest tip I have for you when it comes to canned veggies is to watch the sodium content. I get canned green beans with no sodium added. Again watch for anything creamed or added sauces. With canned fruit, choose the ones that are in water with no added sugars, not packed in fruit juice or syrup.

Pre-Cut Fruits & Veggies: They are a lot pricier BUT no hassle, its all cut up & done for you.

Canned Meat: You can buy meat such as chicken & tuna in a can or a packet. Super easy to open & add to a salad for protein or eat right out of the packet for on the go. Starkist has some great flavored ones! The hickory smoked flavored tuna is my fave!

Pre-Cooked Meat: You can buy precooked grilled chicken. Some come in a bag or box in the freezer section & all you have to do is heat it up. There are some really good tasting flavored ones in the deli meat section. This summer i would take it to the pool with me & Emmy & I would eat it right out of the package! Turkey sausage patties or links are super quick for mornings, just pop in the microwave to heat!

Salad Kits: love salads in a bag, just avoid the ones with lots of croutons & creamy sauces like Caesar salads

Minute Rice: Minute Rice in the box is already super easy but did you know they have individual serving cups that you can put in the microwave? It doesn’t get any easier than that. Throw 1 of these bad boys in your lunch box.

Protein Shakes: Add water or unsweetened almond milk & shake. Doesn’t get any easier than that. THIS protein is my go-to because it is plant based, easy on the tummy, & totally safe for my little. She begs for it. As a bonus I mix THIS  & THIS into my shakes. I also love THESE for on the go!

There are SO many more options, & some I don’t even know about but these are just a few of some of my favorites.

SHOPPING WITH YOUR LITTLE: Chances are, YOU the Super Mom are the one doing the shopping & doing so while toting your little one along. I’m right there with you girl. But I kinda love grocery shopping because I’m weird like that,so here are my tips that aren’t necessarily fitness related, but MOM related:

Park next to the cart return: Make it easier on yourself getting to & from the store & car. Kids get heavy…& I also know the biggest mistake I can make is letting my toddler down for a second to walk because she’s NOT going to want to get back into a cart after being down. Plus not to mention I think it’s safer. Less time to be walking across a parking lot with your child alone… you can never be too careful these days.

Snacks on snacks: ALWAYS bring snacks…anywhere you go really. To a toddler…snacks are life. Didn’t bring snacks? No problem, you’re at a grocery store!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve picked up some crackers & let little one go to town. Snacks that take longer to eat are smarter too… just sayin. My kid can down a fruit pack in like 2 seconds…mommy needs more time than that! Just don’t forget to pay for it when you check out! Also many stores have a bin where they offer fresh fruit to kids while you are shopping, score! Moms always want to know….”What are some healthy snack ideas for my kids?” I plan on doing a separate post dedicated entirely to this at a later date…but until then, check out my Pinterest board on HEALTHY SNACKS.

MOMS ON A BUDGET: There’s a misconception that eating healthy is expensive. It CAN be…but so can eating crappy too…seriously WHY are chips & cookies so expensive? You CAN make eating healthy affordable. Us moms know that’s important… aaaaand it leaves more money for other important things such as shoes, & manicures, & oh yeah…bills.  Organic this…grassfed that…that shiz is expensive. I didn’t get fit by eating organic. Just sayin…it’s not necessary. Here is my list of my personal favorite affordable options:

  • canned tuna, chicken & salmon
  • chicken breasts (in a bag is usually the cheapest)
  • canned or frozen vegetables
  • rice, whole wheat pasta
  • eggs
  • Old fashioned oats
  • whole wheat bread
  • non fat greek yogurt
  • beans, lentils
  • apples, bananas, oranges
  • natural peanut butter
  • potatoes

I highly suggest you check out Aldi’s & always read your local grocery store ads for sales. I find that lean meats are the most expensive thing I buy so I watch for sales on those, but again there are several other options as I’ve listed above. And don’t even get me started on avocados….

Well mamas I hope you are ready to tackle the grocery store like the fit mom deep down I know you are! If you feel like you need a little extra help, my monthly coaching is a great option to help you get started in the right direction. I know what it’s like to start all over again, I’m here to help!

Do you have anything you would love to add to the list? I’d love to hear from you!

This post contains some affiliate links so that you may find products I mention easier. You are not required to purchase by clicking & purchasing is at no extra cost to you. 

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or a dietitian.  I am not claiming any amount of weight loss by consuming any of the items mentioned above. All information has been gathered from my personal experience & knowledge as well as experience with clients as a certified personal trainer. 

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My Sweet Emmy

2 responses to “How to Grocery Shop Like A Fit Mom”

  1. […] talking about) There are some stores that even offer online shopping or delivery! Check out How to Grocery Shop Like a Fit MOM for all things quick & […]

  2. […] grocery store. If you aren’t sure where to start, don’t worry girl…read all about How to Grocery Show Like a Fit Mom or even a Fitness Pro! Pick a day or 2 of the week & prep some […]

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