

Hey All!

I’m embarrassed to say that I haven’t posted in so long I forgot my password. Luckily my computer remembers it! I have a real problem remembering passwords anyways, anyone else have this issue??

I don’t have a super fabulous topic to blog about today so I’m just going to give you some updates on what’s been happening in our lives for those of you who follow!


We have accepted an offer on our home and as long as everything goes ok the closing date will be Sept. 11 (I hope that’s not a bad sign) Even though have only been on the market for like 6 1/2 weeks I feel like it has taken FOREVER. The biggest thing is trying to keep Emersyn on somewhat of a schedule while trying to get her out of the house while we show it, sometimes with as little as 30 mins notice. And also bringing her along to look at houses in the heat has been somewhat challenging although she’s such a good baby it hasn’t been too bad. As far as buying a house we haven’t found a house yet. Found a few we’ve been somewhat interested in but haven’t yet found THE one. So we will continue the search! And we have decided to stay up north by family. I’ve never been through the process of selling or buying a home so I’ve found the whole thing to be extremely stressful. We all know my decision making skills are TERRIBLE so that has added to my stress and anxiety. We don’t want to settle so if it takes us a little bit to find the house we want then so be it! Until then my parents are really going to enjoy our company for awhile hehe.


Oh my gosh, SO much SO SO much has happened with Em. She is now sitting up unassisted, babbling what kind of sounds like nana or dada, and she is teething! Jake discovered her bottom 2 front teeth coming in just this last weekend and boy is she chewing on everything. Speaking of teething I bought her Sophie the Giraffe because everyone and their mother says its awesome but Em has yet to take to it. That damn giraffe was expensive! It reminds me of a dog toy too! Maybe it will take some time for her to really like it which I’m assuming will be the case. She is sleeping for 10-11 hours in a row at night! I did a little sleep training with her this past month because she was crying when I’d put her in her crib because she wanted to be held and nurse. It took me a couple of days and now she is putting herself to sleep and what a difference that makes! My bedtime routine is now about 30 mins versus the hour and half it would sometimes take me. Now we are currently working on taking naps on her own and also without having to nurse to sleep. It seems a bit harder than sleep training at nighttime but the last day or 2 I’ve seen progress. My goal is to have her pretty well on a set schedule/routine at around 6 months which is only a few weeks away. My only worry is that moving will disrupt things.


Everyone is asking me if I’m back to work and the answer is yes! Well sort of… I’m only taking on 1 to 2 clients at a time. Em comes with me to work for the most part. She likes to just sit and watch, I’m extremely lucky that she’s so good. I discovered this by accident as I started off training at night when my husband got home to be with Em, but my client had to come in one morning and I just brought her along. She was so good that I said let’s try this and it stuck! This way I don’t have to be gone at night away from my family. I don’t know how long it will last this way but for the moment it works! And I’m so grateful to have clients that allow me to bring her and also coworkers and owners of Hitch Fit to allow me to do so as well.


On a sad note we had to put Jake’s dog Jarvis down a few weekends ago. He wasn’t doing so good this summer and was having a hard time walking and he stopped eating, so we knew it was time. I was actually quite surprised how well Jake did emotionally. I know it wasn’t easy for him to let go of something he has had and taken care of for 13+ years.

At the moment we are animal free. My mom has been taking care of our cats since we got new carpeting and put the house on the market. I feel bad because they have really become an afterthought since Emersyn was born. We have kind of used this time without them as a test and the jury is in that we don’t miss them… Things have changed since the arrival of the baby and also I’ve noticed my skin having a bit of allergic reaction as of late when I’m around them at my mom’s. I’ve also been able to stop taking my asthma meds. We are considering finding them a new home together because as of right now they just aren’t receiving the kind of attention they deserve. So if anyone is interested in taking them in let me know.

That’s all I got right now! Can’t believe summer is coming to a close. Em is almost 6 months old! This year is flying by. House hunting shall continue this weekend, wish us luck!


xoxo Les

My Sweet Emmy

2 responses to “Happenings”

  1. Tracy Avatar

    I had the same concern with Sophie, and Tripp didn’t use it til maybe 8 months or so. I was on the same boat thinking what an expensive dog toy she was. My stepmother informed me it was made popular from the movie 3 Men and a Baby, which I had no clue. All I know is someone is definitely rich off of her!
    It’s sad how animals become less your priority, my dog was my baby prior to Tripp, I feel so bad she doesn’t get as much love, but she is still loved <3

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      Update: Emmy likes Sophie now! It just took her some time but now she really likes to chew on her! I didn’t know it was from that movie either, I haven’t seen that in years!

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