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Lil Bear is Here!

Hi all!

Our Lil Bear was born on Wednesday, March 2nd at 5:11pm! Wow what a week it has been! The BEST week of my life. I can’t believe I’m sitting here typing this as my baby is sound asleep beside me in her Rock N Play. It’s a little surreal, very surreal, just like that my whole world changed. A few sentences in and I’m already tearing up, good grief. Something I wasn’t prepared for….how emotional I would be and that I would cry every single day sometimes for no reason at all.

We got home from the hospital on Friday evening and have been spending time adjusting at home to our new life. And what a new life it is! I never knew I could love something so much. It has definitely been an adjustment but one very welcomed, challenges and all because she is SO worth it.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to all of our friends and family who came to visit us at the hospital and at home, for all the texts, calls, Facebook/Instagram messages and comments, etc. For everyone who has checked on us to see how we are doing, you have no idea how much that means to me. Even if I haven’t responded to everyone, just know it has been a crazy week and know I’ve read your congrats and well wishes and appreciate them all as we are getting adjusted. And the biggest of thanks to my mom and mother in law for helping us out so much over the weekend when we came home.

This is the first time I’ve sat down on the computer. I have SOOO many things to blog about now! I’m not even sure exactly where to start. I’ve been thinking how I can break things up so that everyone may hear about her birth, adjusting to home life, breastfeeding, etc. The possibilities are endless on writing about the whole experience and I want to know what you guys are particularly interested in so let me know! I will definitely be writing her birth story in due time. That will be a hard one, as I already look back at her hospital pics and get completely emotional. It is crazy how fast they change! She looks like such a chunk when she was first born! Oh my gosh and those cheeks! I just can’t get enough. Of course now that the swelling has gone done and she’s lost a bit of weight from the hospital (totally normal) she doesn’t quite seem like that anymore, but she still has cute cheeks i just want to squeeze. I will start blogging and posting pics right away because she changes so much and I don’t want to forget anything. I’m sure people will get sick of me posting baby stuff but for those who want more and want to know my journey and keep up with baby and family then this is why I created my blog. What do you guys want to hear about? What questions do you have? Fire away, because I know I can talk about Lil Bear all day long…between feedings and diaper changes of course!


Lesley (new mommy, yes that’s me!)

Brand spankin new!
Brand spankin new!
My Sweet Emmy

8 responses to “Lil Bear is Here!”

  1. Denise Avatar

    There is nothing like it! I had no idea how hard labor would be or breastfeeding for that matter! I would get so frustrated with breastfeeding. The constant feeding every 2-3 hours day and night took its toll quickly. It was nice when i started pumping so hubby could do a night feeding or two to give me some extra sleep. I would highly recommend that! Plus it helped with hubby cuz he felt left out in that area since he couldn’t.

    How was your labor? Anything like you expected?

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      Yes breastfeeding has been the biggest adjustment! And my poor husband does feel a little helpless sometimes because he can’t feed her. Although…I’m not gonna lie I kinda like the fact that I’m the one she solely relies on for that part, it makes me feel super important. It WILL be nice when we do decide to pump so that he may feed her sometimes. We will probably decide to do that somewhere between 4-6 weeks. I was advised not too early so that it didn’t disrupt breastfeeding to make sure it was well established, but not too late either so that she wouldn’t ever take a bottle. So we are waiting a little while. At least that’s the plan, you never know if I will get frustrated earlier than that and give one to her sooner, we will see! As for my labor…it was great! I really couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I didn’t really know what to expect so a little yes and no to that question as to expectations. I am going to blog specifically about her birth story very soon!

  2. Lupita Avatar

    Congratulations again!!! How wonderful she is! Adjusting to breastfeeding is probably an adventure too and I would love to hear your take on it because my labor and new baby journey will be here soon too!

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      Thank you girl! I feel like the luckiest person in the world! You are going to love being a mom, there is no way to describe it. Everyone always tells you that but you don’t get it fully until that baby is in your arms. I will DEFINITELY dedicate a blog post to breastfeeding in particular as it has been the biggest adjustment. When are you due again??

  3. Tracy Avatar

    Post all the pics you want!!! I love hearing all about mommy-hood, especially birth stories and about breastfeeding journeys. If you need anyone to talk to about breastfeeding, please don’t hesitate to ask. Having a baby is hard enough, let alone breastfeeding. It’s been the hardest thing yet to get through, and most selfless thing I feel I’ve ever done.

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      Thanks Tracy! I really appreciate that! I do think the hardest part so far has been the breastfeeding. It’s not necessarily hard per se as she has picked up on it right away, but it does get time consuming, frustrating, and painful at times. I am going to a breastfeeding support group at the hospital that meets every Wednesday and I think that will be really helpful. I think one of the difficult things is getting over the initial engorgement, I wasn’t expecting the extent of that and how I would have to do things to manage that and all the leaking! BUT I think each day is getting better!

  4. caleb Avatar

    Couldn’t post this on FB yet so I will post it here in reply to your baby not coming with a manual :p

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      Oh my gosh that is hilarious! I especially like the one to not wake the baby with an air horn lol!

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