
38 Weeks Pregnancy Update


Hey all!

I just had my 38 week doctors appointment this morning which I almost missed because I screwed up the time. How can I only have one single thing scheduled this week and mess up the time?? Only me! Well I guess it was the 2nd thing scheduled as hubby and I took a newborn care class at the hospital on Monday night. Even though there were some things I already knew (because I read EVERYTHING) it was still really helpful as we went over diaper changing, swaddling, bathing, car seats, breastfeeding, and the most important thing I think we both got out of it was ways to calm your baby. I’m sure I will still be like a deer in headlights when the time comes for these things but at least I FEEL a bit more prepared!

On to the doctor’s appointment. Last week I didn’t blog about it but decided to this week as I feel not everybody cares about what’s going on with my pregnancy (or my cervix) each week. So I figured if you are reading this, then you are interested to know so I don’t feel bad. Come on I know I’m not the only one who scrolls through Facebook posts thinking to myself “yeah yeah yeah, ew gross, nobody cares, um okaaay, that’s weird” etc. I know you do it too! (right?!) So I will spare people the details of my cervix unless you really want to know. ;P  Soooo… last week I was dilated to a 1 with no effacement (thinning). This week doc said I’m dilated between 2-3 and there is effacement so there is improvement. And over the weekend I lost my mucous plug. If you have never heard of that then I don’t suggest you google an image of that, unless you are pregnant and want to know. That’s what happened to me…my friend told me she lost hers and I had no idea what it was so I googled it but I was pregnant and curious and hadn’t read anything about it yet. And when it happened to me I knew exactly what it was so it didn’t freak me out. Take that advice as you will…..

Really?! I'm the pregnant one, exactly where I am supposed to sleep??
Really?! I’m the pregnant one, exactly where I am supposed to sleep??

I had another ultrasound too. Last one 2 weeks ago she was estimated to weight 7lbs and 14oz and in the 98th percentile….this week she was estimated at 8lbs and 4oz and in the 87th percentile. Tech said it’s hard to be accurate at this point and that she was most likely OVER estimating, but who really knows. Still no contractions. I thought I was having one 2 nights ago that woke me up at 3am but I’m pretty sure know that it was just Taco Bueno. My next appointment is Tuesday the 23rd which marks 39 weeks. Doctor asked me what I wanted to do as she could induce me on Friday the 26th. We decided to see how this week goes is she decides to come on her own and then if not by my next appointment decide from there. At this point I’m not quite sure what to do. I really want to just go on my own but part of me does see the benefit of having a scheduled induction. Less stress and I know that MY doctor will be the one to deliver. There is an increased chance of a C-section the longer I go on my own and the bigger baby gets but there is also an increased risk with induction….sooooo….not sure. I don’t think she is wanting me to go past 40 weeks though. I’m hoping baby girl will just decide to come on her own this week so I don’t have to make a decision. I have said all week that I think it will be this weekend but we will see!

In the meantime I’ve just been getting the house ready, checking things off the list and relaxing here and there. I have ordered the remaining things I think we will need and should be getting those in the next few days. I still have to finish decorating the nursery which is why i haven’t posted pics. I’m waiting on a curtain rod and crib skirt etc to arrive to finish things up. I know some of you have been asking for nursery pics and I plan on blogging about it for sure, just haven’t reached that point. I’m not obsessing over it since she won’t even be sleeping in there when she comes home at first but it will be done soon. It is becoming everything I have imagined so I can’t wait!

Everyone has been asking me how I’m feeling which I appreciate! Feeling pretty good for the most part! Just uncomfortable mainly and my hips are pretty tight and feet and hands a bit swollen. But my energy has been pretty good this week, I haven’t been napping at all. I’ve never been much of a napper anyways but I think maybe I’m just too anxious and excited. I’m enjoying bath time even more now since I received my bath pillow and tray! I don’t know why I didn’t order it a long time ago!

Well that’s all for now! Hubby just texted me and he is on his way home! That means it’s time for me to think about feeding him lol  Until next time!



My Sweet Emmy

7 responses to “38 Weeks Pregnancy Update”

  1. Denise Avatar

    Hang in there! Almost there…i was induced with all 3 kids…it was nice knowing when it would happen but i miss the surprise of not knowing. I was 41 weeks with my first and 39 with the others. I gotta give ya prompts though! I refused to have my cervix checked with my last two! It is painful…i didn’t know it was an option on the first otherwise i would have refused too…it just drove me crazy. I was at 3 cm from 37 to 41 weeks…enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy…mine were rough but i still miss it!

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      Yes I’m so torn on whether or not to induce if I don’t technically need to! I’m hoping baby girl will just make the decision for me! As for the cervix checking, my goodness I know! One of my girlfriends has the same doctor as me and she warned me before I had it done so it was nice to have a little heads up but my goodness it’s not pleasant! I bled through my gown onto the table this last time she checked me! But I figure it will prepare me for a little labor pain. Was there a particular reason you were induced all 3 times??

      1. Denise Avatar

        With my first i was close to 42 weeks…only a couple more daya left so she induced. With my second, i just graduated from nursing school and my boards for nursing was the same week as my due date. I didnt want to go into labor while taking my boards and so i did elective to avoid having him during my test. With my last, i had polyhydroamnios. Excessive amniotic fluid and it was causing me complications. I was getting short of air, feeling dizzy, etc so i had to be induced to relieve my symptoms. We will have one more so Im hoping i can experience the surprise.

        1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

          I hope you can experience the surprise too! I just went in for my appt yesterday and told my doctor i didn’t want to be induced until after my due date unless there was a problem. I’m dilated to a 3. So I’m just gonna wait it out at this point and see what happens! 🙂

  2. Denise Avatar

    Maybe your doctor will strip your membranes…that can be quite successful in starting labor…albeit a little painful from what i hear.

  3. Lupita Avatar

    I love reading your blog! Especially since I’m 7 weeks behind you ☺ It kind of let’s me know an idea of what to come. I know all pregnancies are different but I enjoy your updates!! Good luck!!

    1. lesdenny@hotmail.com Avatar

      I’m so glad you enjoy it! It’s a fun way to document my pregnancy and hopefully help others! Yes if it’s one thing I’ve learned is that everyone has different pregnancies and opinions but we are still in it all together! xoxo

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