
35 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Eek, only 5 week left to go! Some would say that I won’t make it that long, and others say I don’t look like I’m ready at all since I’m carrying so high. Which one will it be??

I know it’s only been 2 weeks since my last update, but in the preggo world that’s a long time. This was my last 2 week appointment because starting next week I see the doctor every week. I don’t mind either because it lets me know how Lil Bear is doing and 2 weeks was even starting to be a long time for me to wait. They will start checking my cervix next week.

It was a big week for me and Lil Bear! We had our first baby shower on Sunday!!! My 3 sisters along with my Aunt Christy and dear friend Beth threw me the most wonderful shower. I had so much fun celebrating with family and friends and I can tell that baby girl is already just so loved. We truly are very blessed. I will share more details in a separate baby shower post next week! You won’t want to miss that one! Until then here is a sneak peek pic for you!

My BFF Beth and I
35 weeks! My BFF and I at my baby shower this past Sunday

My 2 week checkup at the doctor was yesterday, which I was anxious for. Every night pretty religiously Lil Bear is very active after dinner. She was pretty quiet the whole day on Monday and Tuesday morning and it got me worried. I love it when she’s active, it lets me know she is there and responding. So when she gets quiet, I get nothing but anxious. Doctor had her heartbeat right away and it sounded good but for piece of mind she put me on the fetal monitor for a non stress test to monitor her movement. The little turd was still pretty quiet so the nurse came in to “stimulate” her with this vibrator thingy against my tummy. Well I guess that did the trick! She was moving all around then went on to get hiccups for about 5 minutes after that! So that definitely gave me piece of mind which was really great that they did they for me. I love all the women who work at that office, they are just all super nice and helpful and have really made my experience great. So if anyone is looking for a gyno or Obgyn I go to Northland Women’s Healthcare and see Doctor Woollen, she’s great. So heartbeat great, my blood pressure great, and 1 pound weight gain which has slowed down and on target to 1/2 lb a week. Still no contractions.

Sleep has been a little all over the place. Some nights I sleep wonderful and others are restless. I’ve had a few nights spent in the recliner downstairs fighting with acid reflux. I’ve got it under control for the most part but it still gets me every now and then. Started to have a few digestion issues this week which is new (sorry but true). I’ve also noticed I’ve gotten more tired these last couple of weeks. I sometimes get fatigued just walking from one room to the other like I’ve climbed a flight of stairs! So since energy has been low workouts have decreased a bit. I’m doing more walking and elliptical and less weights just to keep myself moving. Hubby is happy about that as he always worries about me during workouts. He has been pretty helpful with things whenever I need something however I learned recently that trying to remove my toenail polish is not one of his strong suits! He cracks me up….he can clean up cat puke without blinking an eye (a normal in my house thanks to my bengal with a sensitive tummy) but when it comes to polish remover he just can’t deal. Now me…i’m the total opposite, and I better learn how to deal with puke pretty quickly! Surely it will be different when it comes from your own child…..right???!!!

Last week Jake and I had our hospital tour. We will be having the baby at St. Lukes on Barry Road. Visit went well as it answered quite a few questions we had. So now we know where to go, who to call, and a bit of what to expect when the time comes!

People love pregnant women and babies! Everywhere I go strangers strike up conversations with me and ask me all sorts of questions! I guess I don’t blend in anymore because it still surprises me a little! For the most part I don’t mind though and am happy to answer any questions but I know I’m really going to miss that when I’m not pregnant anymore. I’m carrying pretty high still so I have lots of remarks about that insinuating that I’m not close because she hasn’t dropped yet. Not sure how I feel about that. I’m ready but I’m not ya know?? I only have a week of work left and then I am spending time finishing her nursery and getting everything ready. I think that here in a few weeks once I get those types of things done I’m going to start getting anxious for her arrival. I think about her all the time, when she will get here, what she will look like, and all the things I will get to do with her and how we will be as a family, I just can’t wait…. Ok I think I’m ready…. 🙂

My Sweet Emmy

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